Latest on my blog

Exploring human behavior and emotional resilience—a speculation about time, growth, and stability

Have you ever made choices in a fit of passion, acting on impulses and later facing the consequences? Have you ever wondered how your mistakes and their outcomes have guided you through situations, yet you haven’t prioritized changing your ways, even when given the chance? My take on this tendency is that you adapt to absolutely everything in life — however good and bad. Even if you went through your worst nightmares, your subconscious mind will cling onto the very last bit of substance, comfort, or ecstasy it can find from the moment you open your eyes in the mornings…

Caring and not caring about how others perceive you

I always say that I don’t care about what people think of me, and when I’m not in a vulnerable state of mind, that remains true. However, it is only today I realized I might not care what others think of me, because I never failed at being my biggest self-critic, and most of my set-backs are caused by my own mentality. I think we all care to some extent as we long for social connection, to fit in, and to be accepted. All within your own means, but all absolute to some extent. To feel unloved and unwanted never…


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