J. Doe

About me

Hi there!

My name is J. Doe, just a regular person whose world recently turned upside down and made me decide to go down a different path from what I always thought I would do with my life. Ever since I was 12 years old, I calculated every step of my life until I turned 30, but as of now, I realized that my dreams, happiness, and freedom should be my number one priority. Now that you’ve read that, you just got an insight to my complicated and indecisive mess of a mind.

Anyways, I’m J. Doe! Or that is my alias, so to speak. I’ve always said that if I could pull off a Hannah Montana with my double-faced life, I would. So here I am.

Mid-september last year, I woke up with an epiphany about writing a book, and as I finished the chapter of that first day, I seemingly couldn’t keep my hands from writing that story down from start to finish. It took me 10 weeks to complete my first manuscript, and from there on, I used day and night to edit and re-read my book multiple times before publishing it. I’m proud to say that on February 20th, 2022, my book was introduced to the world.

Now I’m here right where I started, about to commit my time to writing my second book in the series: She’s Catherine. 

With that being said, this blog is not only directed towards book-writing, but it is a product of my complicated and sentimental self. I’m not always much of a flood with words, but when I’m passionate about something, words can pour out of me for days on end. That’s why I dedicate the majority of this blog to explore my own maze of thoughts, externalize, and most importantly, learn how to articulate my complex ideas and perspectives, and to (gladly) discuss with anyone interested in my posts. I also like to share my experiences on emotional and intellectual growth, and how my past traumas and casualties have influenced my mindset, and general outlook in life. I recently made the decision to become more personal on my blog, and I do that by sharing some bits and pieces from my poetry collection that I’ve written, myself. Besides that, you can expect to dig deep down in profound advice, complex ideas, the road to achieve my hopes and dreams, and to learn more about me as a person. I bid you welcome!

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